Our Credit & Fixed Income Research equips you with detailed credit analyses, yield curve strategies, and insights. Whether you're assessing bonds, structured products, or rate fluctuations, we will help you optimize your portfolio's performance.

How Akseer Helps

Yield Curve Analysis

We specialize in yield curve analysis, assessing shifts in the yield curve to forecast interest rate changes and their implications for fixed income securities. This expertise is pivotal for timing investments and managing interest rate risk.


Credit Analysis

We excel in credit analysis, to evaluate the creditworthiness of issuers, including corporations, municipalities, and sovereign entities. Our detailed assessments help clients understand risk profiles and make informed bond investment decisions.


Idea Generation

Our Fixed Income Research team excels in idea generation, utilizing a thorough understanding of macroeconomic trends, credit markets, and individual issuer dynamics to identify unique investment opportunities. This process involves synthesizing market data, regulatory changes, and sector-specific insights to uncover undervalued securities and attractive yield opportunities.


Portfolio Strategy and Construction

We are skilled in fixed income portfolio construction, strategically assembling portfolios to optimize returns while managing credit, liquidity, and duration risks according to client objectives.


Portfolio Rebalancing

Our expertise in portfolio rebalancing involves periodically adjusting the components of fixed income portfolios to align with changing market conditions, client risk profiles, and investment objectives. We apply rigorous analysis to ensure that rebalancing decisions optimize portfolio performance, manage risk exposure, and maintain compliance with investment mandates.


Market Liquidity and Sentiment Analysis

We analyze market liquidity and investor sentiment to identify trading opportunities and potential pricing inefficiencies in the fixed income markets. This insight is crucial for tactical asset allocation and trade execution.


Structured Products Analysis

We have profound expertise in analyzing structured products such as mortgage-backed securities (MBS), asset-backed securities (ABS), and collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), providing insights into complexity and risk.


Credit Modeling

We excel in credit modeling and construct detailed financial models to evaluate the creditworthiness of issuers. These models assess risk by analyzing cash flows, debt levels, and other financial metrics, providing a quantitative foundation for investment decisions in the fixed income market.


Credit Note Writing

Our expertise in credit note writing involves crafting clear and comprehensive analyses that summarize the creditworthiness, risk factors, and investment merits of fixed income securities. These notes are essential for communicating complex credit information in an accessible format, helping stakeholders make informed investment choices.


Covenants Analysis

Our expertise in covenants analysis involves a thorough review of the terms and conditions associated with bond issues. This ensures that bondholders are adequately protected against potential issuer defaults and other risks, and helps investors understand the legal stipulations that govern their investments.


Interest Rate Modeling

We use sophisticated interest rate models to predict future movements and assess the impact on various fixed income instruments.


Risk Assessment and Management

Our approach to risk assessment and management involves identifying, analyzing, and mitigating risks inherent in fixed income investments, including credit risk, market risk, and liquidity risk.


Economic Indicators and Their
Impact on Fixed Income Markets

We evaluate how macroeconomic indicators affect the fixed income markets, providing strategic insights that guide investment decisions and risk assessments.


Why Choose Akseer?

Insightful Analysis

We prioritize delivering research that is both accurate and insightful. We ensure that your decisions are backed by robust research, allowing you to move forward with confidence.

Cost-Effective Solutions

Our clients choose us for a simple reason: We offer them budget-friendly pricing and deliver the best results. We are based out of Pakistan, one of the most financially attractive global services locations (The 2023 Kearney Global Services Location Index).

Flexible Engagement Models

We offer a diverse range of engagement models, from bespoke projects to fully outsourced dedicated virtual resources and teams. We engage with clients in the most efficient way, seamlessly scaling up as and when needs evolve.

Bilingual Capabilities

One key factor that sets us apart, especially in the Gulf, is our inhouse expertise in the Arabic language translation. This allows us to read, understand, and process Arabic inhouse in record time.

Best-in-Class Talent Pool

We are proud to have a rich and diverse pool of talented individuals, drawn from top universities and prestigious financial institutions with extensive experience in Advisory, Consulting, Investment Banking, and Equity Research.

Seeking deeper insights into the fixed income market?

Place your trust in our experts to help you navigate complexities and identify opportunities.